Each function of Crossword Express is tested exhaustively before release, and it would be nice to be able to claim that it is free of bugs. However, experience has shown that this is often not the case. If you do encounter a behavior which you consider to be a bug, please report it using the REPORT A PROBLEM button. It will present you with an empty email screen into which you can type the problem details before transmitting in the usual way.

If you are eager to have a speedy resolution to your problem,
and have previously made a contribution to Crossword Express,
please mention this fact in your report.
Suggest an improvement to Crossword Express

Throughout the lifetime of Crossword Express, its development has been guided by the suggestions submitted by regular users. You can continue this practice by typing your suggestion into the email screen which appears when you click the SUGGEST button. Normally you will be notified within a few days about the likelihood of your suggestion being incorporated into the program, and the likely timing thereof.

Tell a Friend about Crossword Express

Use this button to let your friends know about Crossword Express. It will give you a pre-prepared email message which you can address to your friends, and if you wish, add some personal comments before sending.

Make a Contribution to Crossword Express

If you are already a satisfied user of Crossword Express, and would like to make a contribution to encourage the continued development of the program, please make use of this CONTRIBUTE button. It leads you to a PayPal screen which will accept payments made via a number of well known credit cards. Enter an amount in Australian dollars which reflects the value of the program to you. Refer to  Current exchange rates  to calculate your donation.

Tell the world through Social Media.

It is probable that a lot of people, due to the financial hardship caused by the Covid pandemic, find themselves unable to make a meaningful financial contribution toward the further development of Crossword Express. There is however something very meaningful they can do if they are active within one or more of the many social media platforms so prevalent today. Just an occasional mention of Crossword Express and its diverse features on any of these platforms would raise the profile of the program, and result in a far greater number of people making use of it. In many ways this is just as valuable to me as the benefits derived from financial contributions. Please give this possibility your thoughtful consideration.